i’d leave my umbrella home
Nothing should be between
Just the drops and me
photo by Lady-bug
How pleasing would be if we could speak with a feather voice and hear the other’s feather voice too. To see the unwritten, to hear the untold. But with such a noise around us , how to trust the power the feather has. We want to reach the other, to be heard, to share that “thing” we just discover or just talk. Maybe sometimes talk about the obvious but still the need to share is huge. And we talk… we talk… we talk. It hasn’t to do with bragging, showing off, or being insincere. Maybe its more about our effort to overcome all the disturbing noises that cut the message’s trip from here to there. Maybe because we are used to turn on the sound because the ears we wanted to approach couldn’t here low noises, or couldn’t understand the message so we had to talk… to talk… to talk.
Yet sometimes this is not necessary. When we are attuned with the other, too many words diminish the value of the message and maybe instead of coming closer we become more distant. From the other and from us. But those times are rare, when we trust the power of feather’s voice and believe that it can climb to the heaven. Those times require caution and strength to be free of bad memories and old habits and a clear mind to understand the actual size of the situation and harmonize with it.
Time to turn off the voice… already said a lot .
Whirlwinds….. not yet tamed.
61.2 The roots of every interaction are deep inside. If your words and actions are a true mirror of what lives in your heart, they will be creative and able to stir up a reaction in others. The greatness of an artist is in the first place determined by his faithfulness to his truth, and only secondly by his talent.
61.5 Who is true can also recognize truth in others. He can make real and deep
contact, and he can avoid all harmful and needless influences. The ability to
find the right people and avoid the wrong ones is one of the greatest assets in
life, surpassing the best education, the most abounding riches.
Do not dissect truth too much in words or ideas. Before you realize it, you live up to great words instead of simple intuition, to beautiful ideas instead of simple experience. Give your emotions a fair chance to live life without giving it names.
"Sometimes you leave something behind in order to move forward, and then you get to a place where you need something you had back there, though not all of it.
They leave a wagon behind because they had to cross a mountain. But once over the mountain they needed wood from the wagon to make a boat to cross the river.So, they went back to the wagon to cross the river." Candid
Which way?, originally uploaded by .Leili.
Somewhere there was a discussion about Self-improvement books. I’m a little bit skeptical about those self-improvement/development manuals. Being in a phase of “going or not going out of the gate” I think in a stage like that, one has a lot of questions, tries to find solution. Those books definitely are full of answers but one must be very careful what to consume. Sometimes our urge to find a solution, to get quickly out of the courtyard leads us to take the first thing we find in front of us.Since I have read only one or two of those books ages ago, maybe I’m not adequate enough to make any judgment about how valuable or not are they and if the help us to find our answers or just adapt some ready-made answers/behaviors. Does those books helps us to go out or by getting through that gate we enter in another courtyard? Just wondering.......
Facing a difficulty, although I don’t see in a positive way all those solutions at the same time I’m in a dilemma if I’ll use one of those “easy” solutions. I’m inclined not to use but still the temptation is there.
I asked Yi about that .
What if I do ? Yi said 63.4 . “The finest clothes turn to rags.Be careful all day long..”
What if I don’t ? Yi said 48 to 7 : My Well.
The water in my well , are some literature books, poems, songs, images, sounds, memories, dreams, stories, myths, heroes from my country’s mythology and of course some significant-to me- people. It’s that interactions, those healing relationships where you can hear the other and be heard and learn to hear yourself. It’s that we share in our walks. Serious stuffs, funny stuffs or nonsense
My resources, those small or bigger things significant or less significant gathered together, they make a skein of thread like the one Ariadne gave to Theseus to help him find his way out of the Labyrinth after killing the Minotaur.