Sep 30, 2009

another way

I ‘m standing here
at my side of the bridge
although I know
you‘ll not be there
for our appointment.

My fingertips
still remember
your cold hands
they try to reach you.

I have to find another way

Sep 22, 2009


A dear friend left this planet. I try to talk about him but then I talk to him and he talk me back and then I forget what I wanted to write.

We had good times and bad times but we could talk and dissolve the black clouds. An open sharing, what else one needs.

I’m sad and I cry and then he comes and talks to me and makes me laugh. I try to think if every was said between us. Nothing important is missing, I shared them with him. For the only thing I’m not very sure is if I said him enough times that I love him.

Have a wonderful journey to your new home penguin.

Love you
That girl

Sep 17, 2009

filling up

not empty
neither full

art byAnji Johnston


Sep 12, 2009

without title

Concealed, revealed,
In the unknown, in the un-manifest.


Sep 4, 2009


Long time ago I was talking with a friend about faith, trust, God , universe, you know all those questions. With my mind I understood perfectly what he was talking about but my heart haven’t got a clue . I use Yijing for guidance and the readings I got lately echoed his words. But this time, I could understood and every another- time I understand better. The last couple of days I was looking for an answer hidden in the lines of gua 16. Wilhelm’s Enthusiasm. Then I went to LiSe’s website to read her 16. The word inspiration everywhere but it didn’t really made sense. I was looking for an answer how to do something I had in mind and I couldn’t find it . Sometimes , when I feel I can’t understand the obvious I go to a dictionary to look up for the words. So, I did and here it is what I found

enthusiasm, from Gk. enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein "be inspired". The source of the word is the Greek enthousiasmos, which ultimately comes from the adjective entheos, "having the god within," formed from en, "in, within," and theos, "god."

I went back to my reading. And it was clear. Maybe there are still things I haven’t see yet, but I know where is the way out.

It’s “That within” . And even if you have to face big challenges, “That within” has a voice which says “everything will be OK” And more than ever, I understand.
