Nov 21, 2010

no music

photo from here

a fire burned the piano

the music stopped

dancers left the stage

…just a stage ?

or its an end ?

Nov 19, 2010

body's memories

Mistily images from the past have make their appearance in mind's screen.
But the body sees them clearly. It curls up, whithout reason , in a reflecting way. It needs protection from those stranger's hands.

They say that the body remember, more than we can recollect. This body, starts to remember and a cold current runs over it. She wants to escape or push them away but she can't. How a small body can fight against those big hands ?

I guess , those hands where of the doctors trying to heal me, of nurses taking care of me yet , those days those hands bring shivers in my spine.

There is a long periord of my life, that I have not concious memories. There are informations I need to know but they are locked. Seems that the body starts remembering and me too.

I don't know what to say.
Ignore the words , just see the image I made.
There lays the story...


Nov 16, 2010

under construction

photo from National Geographic

I'll be away for some time. Hopefully, will be back soon .

I have to pack now. A small suitcase , few clothes my origani papers and the people I wish I had with me now in my Mojo bag. They can't be there, each one for their own reasons...


Nov 13, 2010

keep walking

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

Walking is very painful for me nowdays. Painkillers just give me a few hour of less pain, time to gather again myself and keep walking. The less I walk, the less make the strong pain appears, but the less I walk, the less make muscles strong. So I have to keep walking.
This pain , soon, will be replaced from another pain. They say that will be servere aswell, but there is something different in that. It would be, hopefully, a healing pain. SoI have to keep walking.
That day, because of external curmunstances , is not here yet. Waiting drains me. There are moments that I lose my patience, there are moments that seconds last a century , there are moments I tempted to quit. Yet, I won't give up. So I have to keep walking.
They say "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional" .In my case, the pain I'm talking about is inevitable indeed. I have no choice about it. Yet, I can choose wheather will turn that pain to suffering or not. And I choose to keep walking.
crawling, limping, dragging, trudging..... yet.... keep walking.


Nov 10, 2010

friction forces

All rights reserved by adriano zanni


The friction between hip and joint
wears and tears both of them

Body’s survival instinct sends its army.
Arrows dipped on stiffness and tightness
and bombs of pain to seize the movement


The friction between you and me
wears and tears me.

Wrapped with a white sheet
holding flags of truce and parley
sending a request of seizing fire.


I don’t shout “surrender” I don’t feel “defeat”
even fallen on the floor ,I’ll not quit.

I know you are seeking me in places I’m absent
I know you can see me in Past’s battlefields.
I feel what you’re feeling, I know what you mean
I hear your mistrust, your worries your care.
and during my absence, your presence is there.


“Trust me , wait for me “, my white flag says.
“fall seven times, stand up eight” the war drums play.
Just give me some time to stand up , to heal
to be present again , and then we will see.


.....Jaliya said...

the kernel wields
an abrupt

isn't it awesome ? Thanks Jaliya :)

Read more:


Nov 9, 2010


Playing with the words from Three Word Wednesday
abrupt, kernel, wield

Winds abruptly change
wielding powers sinks the ship
down at the seadbed
a shell seals its kernel.

I thought I was transparent
you could see my pearl
winds abruptly changed
you call it sand now.

Swinging boat,abruptly
blows from the past
I yield to the wielder
Wait for me , I'll be back

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over......


foolish games

Nov 8, 2010

crane's song

When you sing a crane's song
don't give up when not heard.

This is how a crane's song is.

when not heard, take heart
and keep singing.

Cranes just sing.

Keep singing, from your heart
Alone or with company.

Thats the beauty of crane's song.

With company, wine tastes better
so take heart and keep singing.

That's what cranes do.

" I have a good goblet.
I will share it with you" *

That's the cranes song

Don't quit. Keep singing
Perhaps someone will come.

* Wilhelm/ Baynes translation "I Ching: Or, Book of Changes" Line 61.2

Nov 7, 2010


attorney and judge quarrel
pro se waits to speak.



Nov 6, 2010


Him : Are you Happy
Her : Yeah !!
Him : Me too !

this is not from the movie of course but its a recent memory of mine.
Joel, at "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", at that scene says to Clementine :

“I could die right now, Clem. I’m just happy. I’ve never felt like that before. I’m just exactly where I want to be.”

I’m just exactly where I want to be.” ......what a bliss !!! ........No ?

Time moves on , things change, yet there is that memory of a moment being where you really want.


pain Killer

when painkillers don't work
I become a pain Killer

almost succeeds
yet heart still aches

Nov 5, 2010

the door

Truman show is one of my favorite movies. Lately it come into my mind. First a scene, the last one, and the next day through a friend . ha !

Truman was living a happy life in an ideal world Seaheaven till the day he felt that something was wrong. When sure , he overcomes his fear of the sea , takes a sailboat to leave, almost die in an artificial storm, the obstracles the Creator put to keep him there, till he reaches the end of the world , the wall of the dome.

“If his was more than just a vague ambition, if he was absolutely determined to discover the truth, there's no way we could prevent him” Cristof said , and it was Truman determination that made him seize the storm.

So, Truman , at the end of the world, finds a ledge and as If walking on water, climbs the stairs leading to a door, the “exit” , as the sign reads. Christof tries to persuade him stay , Truman is silent and then he bows , says goodbye and crosses the door leading to the unknown but real world. He could’t stay there , because this wasn’t his world and he was different , a True -man .

"I want to be an explorer, like the Great Magellan" , said Truman, in his school class when a young boy. His teacher respond “Oh, you're too late! There's nothing left to explore!”

You are too late, you are too young you are too old ... you are this ... you are that ... you aren’t this , you aren’t that.... a very common script we read to our life’s movies. And just in case we don’t buy it, here come the fears. When we need to cross the great water how can we do that if you fear of water ? And lets say we do it and reach at the top of the flight of stairs. A heavenly-like setting and a door that leads to a dark one. Scary isn’t it ? Sometimes we walk back, sometimes we cross that door and those moments are where we can choose. its our choice and no matter what we do out-there its a relief to know that it was our choice.

I remember , when watching that movie , said to Truman. “Good luck, take care”

I can relate to him now-days, being in front of that door. And some times fear overwhelms me and hear the tape of “you are too old, you are too young....” Yet, there are times that going along with script some-others wrote for us is not what we want.

“Are you running away ?” some people asked me . “NO” i said, “I'm going home”
I walking those stairs now, and when I’ll reach that door I’ld like to be a sunny morning and the sky will be heavenly blue, i’ll bow and say "In case I don't see you ... good afternoon, good evening, and good night,

Take care Truman, good luck and wish me luck too. I’m on my way